Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hollywood Cemetery

This past Saturday I got a wild hair up my tushy and I decided to go to the Hollywood Cemetery, locally here in Richmond, Virginia. I grabbed my camera and told my oldest son, “Let’s just go check it out, enjoy the walk, and I want to take some pictures of the angles.” Needless to say I’m just a mom with a camera, I’m far from a photographer.  As we were walking around I tried to get different angles of scenery but I felt like I was not quite getting the right look I was looking for. But on the plus side we did two and a half hours of walking and got plenty of exercise……  

Read more here

Friday, February 10, 2012

Things That This Mommy Does When No One is Around

As a mother of three boys you have to imagine I need some kind of girly, motherly liberation.  If not I’m afraid I’m going to turn into a Tom Mom, if there is such a thing.  The majority of my time at home I’m either playing cars, guns, or pretty much everything my boys do.  When I get the chance to shut the door and just be me, quietly relaxing I have a few things I enjoy doing. Read more here.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Refresher Course

Have you ever taken a refresher on Microsoft or a refresher at your job and walked away feeling a lot better about it? Things change all the time, sometimes faster than we can even learn it something else has changed again. Well, have you ever thought we could use a refresher in our marriage?  I thought marriage to be something as easy as riding a bike.  We have gone through relationships; short term, long term, break ups and makes ups, dating, live in boyfriends even, so to me it all seemed the same. Why couldn’t I handle a marriage?    Read more here.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I Have a New Site

Hello, believe it or not but I have finally built enough courage to start my own site.  Talking about the same things, but really I’ll be talking about everything. So please visit me at

Thanks for your support

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wow, We're Really Going Through Diapers

The week before we found out my son had diabetes I was just saying, "the kids really need to drink more water." So that weekend we went to Wal-Mart and got the boys water bottles and a little Toy Story water dispenser. The kids and I were having a water filled weekend until my youngest started not feeling well. It was just Saturday night so I figured he caught a little bug. As the week continues I noticed he was urinating a lot, to the point he was filling up the diapers in a hour or two.  I remember thinking, "either he needs to start using the potty or slow down on the water." The whole week was that way, him drinking a lot and then him filling up diapers.  It appeared my "drinking water" campaign was going great and had even worked with one problem, the frequent urinating.

A week had passed and something did not seem right with my child. He was sluggish, not sleeping well, he was still going through diapers, and VERY thirsty. Saturday night, maybe even wee hours of Sunday morning my son comes down stairs to get something to drink and then he just pukes. I did not care what time it was that was enough and we were on our way to the ER.

I Am A Mother of a Diabetic Child

Hi my name is Tiffene. This past summer we found out our youngest son has Type 1 diabetes. My father had Type 1 diabetes (at the time it was called Juvenile Diabetes) and it has always been something in the back of my mind while raising my 3 boys.  When the day came we were in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with my very exhausted sick child.  What was just a thought had became a reality and it was now time for me to prepare myself to raise my 2 year old child with diabetes.

This blog is my journal, my opinion and my story.  I hope you are able to get from my blog what I have gotten from other blogs, and that is to know you're not alone.